Photos and Stories from 2019 and before

We had an enjoyable evening beginning with a reception at the IMRRC in Watkins Glen. About twenty members attended learning the history of motor racing and the artifacts housed in our own region. We presented to Jim and Laura Butler recognition for their service to the Finger Lakes Region of PCA. They have always been willing to assist in a leadership position attending events, planning meetings, and coordinating what needs to be done. They have been consistent members participating through our regions inception and appreciate all they have done.
From there a number of members drove their Porsche’s on the historic “old course” and ended at the charming Seneca Lodge. A few more members met us for dinner as we filled the room to capacity. Paul and Christine Corter told us about their experience attending their first PCA Porsche Parade. It was a great presentation that gave us an informative review of how to get there, what to do, and the fun you can have. Dinner was great as we had time to socialize and talk people, Porsche’s, racing, and dining. We have a few pictures included.

Fox Run Vineyards hosted our relaxed concours event on Sunday July 28th Show, Taste, and Tour. This year we had over 28 members showing 18 cars. We had members from Pennsylvania, visitors from Connecticut, Turbos, Targas, Cabs, 4 doors, and no rain. Please provide your feedback since we are always looking to hold events to bring in surrounding membership. We’ve had 2 good years at Fox Run and may want to patronize other wineries in our region. We have pictures below but also go to our Events page for more content.

We had a beautiful summer evening for our “Dinner in Letchworth State Park” at the Glen Iris Inn. Fourteen members attended taking advantage of the scenic drive, pleasant company, and stunning views. We had a special treat as we lined up for a group picture as seen below. Several of the brilliantly colored hot air balloons came over the gorge and hovered over the falls. You’ll see Steve at the left more interested in the scenery than the group photo. Next up we’ll have “Dinner in Naples” at Bob and Ruth’s. This had been mentioned by several members and was an original favorite of FLK members back in the early years. Since this is a week destination we’ll look to start at 6:00 pm. More details will follow, and always check our calendar.

We had a great turnout for our annual celebration in the Glen Club for the national PCA Porsche Clash. And yes weather allowing for a competitive track full of Cayman’s, 911’s, some 968’s and a host of beefed up front and rear engine Porsche’s. Our attendance had members from Pennsylvania, the Southern Tier, and Monroe County. Many brought family members as well as this is a great event to enjoy the drive and meet fellow members. Below are some of our cars in attendance as we were able to take advantage of the The Glen Club parking. We were also joined for lunch by Mike and Pam Bryan our Zone One reps and heard a brief history of the Clash event by Luis Martinez.

Yes we did complete our Track Day at the Glen. It was a wild ride as you can see below. We had nine cars drive as a group from our starting point in Canandaigua and another six met up with us at the Glen. After the drive a number of members converged together for lunch and enjoyed the day. All said and done with the crazy weather we had just one less car than in 2018. Thanks again to Luis Martinez for setting up the track date and Mike Sullivan for leading the drive.